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Privacy Policy

1.Information Collection

The app may collect the following information with the user's permission.


・Photos and image data selected by the user.
・Application usage information, browsing history, and device information.
・Information provided by the user necessary for image processing.

The image data used by the user in this application will not be stored in any storage.


2.Use of Information

The collected information is used for the following purposes.


・Photos and image data selected by the user will undergo advanced image processing through Google Cloud Functions.
・Usage information of the application is used for application improvement, error tracking, and quality enhancement.
・Information provided by the user may be used for customer support and communication as needed.
・In our app, we use Google Admob with the purpose of enhancing user experience and providing targeted advertising. This may result in the display of advertisements based on the user's interests and behavior.

3.Use of Tracking with Admob

・In this app, Google Admob is used with the goal of improving user experience and providing targeted advertisements. This may result in the display of ads based on the user's interests and behavior.
・Data collection by Admob may include the user's app usage, browsing history, and device information.
・Users have the option to opt out of personalized ad displays through Admob settings. For more details, please visit Google's ad settings page: https://adssettings.google.com


4.Data Security

This application highly values the security of user information and takes appropriate technical measures to protect it.


Users have full control over data collection and processing in the application. They can revoke permissions.

6.Privacy Inquiries

・For questions or requests related to privacy, please contact the following.

Email: hiyameshigurai.koeda@gmail.com

・For inquiries and requests related to privacy concerning Google Cloud Functions and Admob, please refer to Google's privacy policy document.

7.Changes to Privacy Policy

The privacy policy of this app may be subject to change. In the event of any changes, the latest information will be displayed on the app's page in the App Store.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on November 13, 2023.

© 2023 Hiyameshi